Real Name: Ludwig Svärd
Age: I'm 19 years old
Time Zone ( Ex., EST / PST ): GMT (Birmingham UK)
Account and Main Character:
Account name : Luddann || Character Name : Amazin - Will be Amazin
Experience you have with WoW :
- Retail experience, 3-4years.
How many hours a day do you currently play:
10-16 hours a day, depending on what time i go to bed/get up
Approximately how many hours can you dedicate weekly to being a GM:
Around 10 -12 hours a day (so 70 + a week)
What other servers (if any) have you been GM on:
I have been GM on Wowlegendary
Do you have a good knowledge of GM commands:
Yes i have a good knowledge (dependant on Core System) of the GM commands
Can you extract a .RAR file and install an add-on:
Yes i can extrat RAR files and i can also install addons without problems.
Are you willing to use Ventrilo to communicate with players and GM's if the need arises:
Yes, only need to buy a mic.
What qualities do you possess that can be beneficial to our server:
- Active (to much)
- GM experience (Both Admin + Game Master)
- Freindly/Helpful/Patient (Depending on situations...)
Imagine You receive a ticket asking you to teach a player skills or spells that the trainer did not teach, how do you respond:
I would first check to see if they had a ticket running with GMhelper, if not i would kindly ask them to create a ticket. Once that i would ask them to take the following steps :
- Talk to their trainer and click 'Reset Spells'.
(Would check they are class they spell they say is missing is from first).
What value do you think is most important in a responsible GM:
- To be active to keep the peace on the realm you are choosen to be GM on
- To be mature and not over-react on matters.
- To be freindly and respectful to the other players on the server and treat everyone the same.
What do you enjoy most about WOW:
- Meeting new people
- The Raiding (till late WOTLK)
- The fact private servers offer a diffrent side to WoW