Please Take your time and answer every question to the best of your ability. Proper English use is optional but highly recommended.
Sounding professional will increase your reputation with players as well as increase consideration for your GM Application!
Hint: If you can not understand anything above then do not apply, you will not be considered.
Real Name:
Time Zone ( Ex., EST / PST ):
Account and Main Character:
Experience you have with both WoW and StormZ WoW:
How many hours a day do you currently play:
Approximately how many hours can you dedicate weekly to being a GM:
What other servers (if any) have you been GM on:
Do you have a good knowledge of GM commands:
Can you extract a .RAR file and install an add-on:
Are you willing to use Ventrilo to communicate with players and GM's if the need arises:
Do you have a problem with authority:
What qualities do you possess that can be beneficial to our server:
Imagine You receive a ticket asking you to teach a player skills or spells that the trainer did not teach, how do you respond:
How many times have you voted for us:
What value do you think is most important in a responsible GM:
What do you enjoy most about WOW: