Real Name: Adam Caleb Edwards
Time Zone ( Ex., EST / PST ): EST -5:00
Account and Main Character: scuba3893 Zinko
Experience you have with both WoW and StormZ WoW: I have played retail WoW since the day it came out and i also use to be a hardcore raider for Misguided Angles on Mal'Ganis in the top 100 guilds in the world, just started playing on StormZ
How many hours a day do you currently play: I can play 5-7 hours a day or more
Approximately how many hours can you dedicate weekly to being a GM: around 30-40
What other servers (if any) have you been GM on: I was a GM on WoW Fusion and I was a GM on WoWscape
Do you have a good knowledge of GM commands: Yes all the Arcemu Ascent and i know some Mangos
Can you extract a .RAR file and install an add-on: Yes i can
Are you willing to use Ventrilo to communicate with players and GM's if the need arises: Yes i always use Vent
Do you have a problem with authority: No never have and never will
What qualities do you possess that can be beneficial to our server: I know some C++ code and i am a very friendly guy and i love to help people out when ever possible
Imagine You receive a ticket asking you to teach a player skills or spells that the trainer did not teach, how do you respond: I will look into it and fix this bug thank you for reporting this issue and i will get on it ASAP
How many times have you voted for us: None yet but i will
What value do you think is most important in a responsible GM: You need to be friendly and need to know how to deal with people no matter what and not to get angry at the game and to help as much as possible
What do you enjoy most about WOW: I dont have a favorite I love everything about WoW thats why i have been playing for 6 years now lol